
Have You Had an Oral Cancer Screening Lately?

Have You Had an Oral Cancer Screening Lately?

Have You Had an Oral Cancer Screening Lately?

Each year in April, Dr. Stephen Greenman and his team recognize Oral Cancer Awareness Month and cannot stress the importance of regular dental checkups that include oral cancer screenings. 

Throat, lip, esophagus, cheek, tongue, and other types of oral cancers affect millions of people all over the world. With that being said, a high percentage of those cancers could have been detected in the early stages with an oral cancer screening.

Your Dentist and Oral Cancer Screenings

If you have regular dental checkups, meaning at least twice a year, your dentist in Westlake Village will be able to detect any of the following symptoms that you may not notice yourself.

Oral Cancer Symptoms and Signs

  • Red and white patches anywhere in your mouth
  • Lumps or bumps
  • Scaly or rough patches
  • Irregular bite
  • Sore neck
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Hoarse voice
  • Difficulty swallowing or chewing
  • Mouth sores
  • Sore throat

What Causes Oral Cancer?

While there is no one cause that scientists can pinpoint, some people are in the high-risk category.

These include:

  • Tobacco users
  • People with a family history of oral cancer
  • Heavy alcohol drinkers
  • Those with periodontal disease
  • People over 45
  • People overweight
  • Those exposed to UV light

Regular Dental Checkups for Any Abnormalities

According to your Westlake dentist, the best way to determine if you have oral cancer is to schedule regular dental checkups.

Twice yearly is the average. However, if you suffer from diabetes, have a propensity for periodontal disease, or suffer from any other chronic disease you’ll probably need to make additional dental appointments for cleanings and oral cancer screenings throughout the year.

Comprehensive Dental Exam

During your comprehensive dental checkup, Dr. Greenman will chat with you about your medical history and current over the counter and prescription medications and any alternative meds that you may be on as well.

Following your thorough teeth and gums examination, your dental restorations are checked for cracks, chips, and leaks if you have old silver amalgam fillings. Once your teeth and gums have been examined, your dentist in Westlake Village will check your neck, back of your head, your tongue, cheeks, lips, throat, and your entire oral cavity for anything that looks suspicious.

If Dr. Greenman notices something that doesn’t seem right he will probably do a biopsy to be sent to a lab for further examination.

Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Do your part for Oral Cancer Awareness Month and schedule an appointment for an oral cancer screening with Dr. Steven Greenman today.

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Dear Patients,

I have made the decision to step back from my work as a clinical dentist due to past injuries. However, I will still be practicing dental sleep medicine downstairs in Suite 131 with Dr. Dave Kacker. He has been personally selected by me and is an excellent dentist, renowned for his skills in cosmetic dentistry. Your appointments and care will continue seamlessly with Dr. Kacker and our merged team. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

You can visit his website at

Best Regards,
Steven C. Greenman, D.D.S.